Minister Nzimande held consultations with Higher Education, Science and Innovation stakeholders in consolidating the sector response to COVID-19 epidemic

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Blade Nzimande, has been holding briefings and consultation with the stakeholders in the Post School Education and Training as well as in the Science and Innovation sector in order to brief stakeholders on measures that the Department will be implementing in response to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the entire sector.


Minister Nzimande also held briefing with the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, Science and Innovation.


Any agreements with any of the stakeholders are done through discussions and agreements in the Post School Education and Training Task Team led by our Deputy Minister, Buti Manamela.


Minister Nzimande received written submission from the South African Student Union (SAUS), student political organisations, trade unions, Universities South Africa (USAf), the South African College Principals Organisation (SACPO), Higher Health and other State organs and interest groups.


Minister Nzimande would like to thank all stakeholders, entire sector and his Cabinet Colleagues for their valuable inputs which has enriched the final measures that the Department will implement in the immediate and future.


Following these consultations, Minister Nzimande will announce to the public the Department’s measures and interventions through a joint media briefing with the Department of Basic Education which will be held on Friday, 24th April 2020.




Issued by:

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

DST Building (53), CSIR Campus

Meiring Naude Road





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